Hideout | “As Clouds Touch the Ground” SR146

Type: mp3 + CD
Location: Italy
Date: 2016
Duration: 00:28:00
Tracks: 8
Genre: postrock, slowcore
Section: Ochre

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Just as the clouds touch the ground.

Gianluca and Lorenzo, we write what we want to read, of these years 8 moments, years past, ours and of anyone who can. With no end. Just what is necessary.

Hideout releases “As Clouds Touch the Ground” in 2016, recorded in that same room, finished at Vacuum Studios with Bruno Germano first, then Carl Saff in Chicago. With Hideout are Riccardo Occhionero and Zeus Ferrari on drums.

Hideout is an imperfect creature, as all real and important things are.

Mister Drey | "There is no "Us" SR133

Type: CD ( limited edition of 40 copies ) / mp3
Location: Italy
Date: 12/11/2015
Duration: 01:15:00
Track: 14
Genre: experimental, ambient, post-rock, contemporary soul
Section: Indigo
Price: 8 euros ( for CD )

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CD ( 8 euros ) + Shipping

“There is no”us” is a record about the feeling of loss. About instability, not being able to recognize where you live anymore. A records about doubt, confusion. About finding and deluding each other, failing. Again. About those feelings I couldn’t keep hidden anymore.”

Artwork by Akis Karanos
Photos by Nicola Boari

Naoki Ishida | "Summer Solstice" SR118

Type: CD ( limited edition of 40 copies )
Location: Japan
Date: 05/02/2015
Duration: 00:45:00
Track: 8
Genre: experimental, ambient, drone - a lazy afternoon of boredom
Section: Blue
Price: 8 euros ( for CD version )

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CD ( 8 euros ) + Shipping

This album theme is laziness, boredom.
It is the only album that has been made in my birthplace. countryside of Japan.

Photo: Naoki Ishida
Artwork direction: Akis Karanos

SLP | "Emperor Tomato Ketchup" SR110 ( E008 on Toxic Industries )

Type: CD ( limited edition of 40 copies, all hand made, and different )
Location: Italy
Date: 28/05/2014
Duration: 01:28:40
Track: 1
Genre: experimental, ambient, noise, soundtrack
Section: Red
Price: 5 euros ( for CD version )

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CD ( 5 euros ) + Shipping

CD-r comes in textured heavy cardboard package with glued frame from the movie (each one is different) and stickers. Each copy is hand made by FUKTE.
Co-released with Toxic Industries.
Emperor Tomato Ketchup is a 1971 Japanese experimental film by poet, artist and director Terayama Shuji (1935 – 1983).
A revolutionary brigade of children overthrow the adults and their reign, and a young boy is made Emperor of a new world order. Any hope of change is soon shattered. The children repeat all the mistakes their fathers made, and violence, rape and abuse are inevitable. Enslaved, mothers are turned into prostitutes, “I seduce my mommy and I become my daddy”, is the scarred intent of the new youthful despot. The perpetual cycle of oppression is left unchanged.
Originally, its soundtrack was composed by J. A. Seazer, but the music you are about to listen to is a free interpretation by Italian noise musician SLP. It was first and only performed in Cagliari, Italy, on 16th February 2013, at "Solo Il Mio Nero" noise and film festival.

Our albums are under Creative Commons License.

The Sonny Bono | “Ruagne” SR107

Type: CD
Location: Italy
Date: 05/05/2014
Duration: 00:22:00
Track: 11
Genre: dark grime blackmetal, grind, crust power and violence punk from the wastelands
Section: Grey
Price: 4 Euros ( for CD version ) / Free download ( 4 tracks only preview )

CD ( 4 euros ) + Shipping

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A town burnt by the sun, among the landfills and the sea. A place sheltered on rancor, making insinuation an antidote for boredom, and from ignorance a motionless bastion erected against any for of revolt. A panopticon of bigots, whose only for of pleasure is the pain they wish to their neighbors. A place where you can only get old, and die, while from the toxic waste the vineyards grow prosperous.

Un paese stinto dal sole, tra discarica e mare. Un posto arroccato sul rancore, che fa della maldicenza l'antidoto alla noia, e dell'ignoranza il baluardo immobile contro ogni sovvertimento.
Un panottico di benpensanti, che riservano al male del vicino l'unica forma superstite di godimento.
Un posto dove si può solo invecchiare e morire, mentre sui rifiuti tossici crescono floride, le vigne.

Released together with: Zas Autoproduzioni
No Tomorrow prods
Placenta Recordings
Shit Noise Records
Anarchotic Records

Our albums are under Creative Commons License.

Billy Torello | “Il Passato Ha Gli Zoccoli” SR097

Type: CD
Location: Italy
Date: 18/12/2013
Duration: 00:35:00
Track: 8
Genre: via Emilia's Blues number 2 - fingerpicking - americana
Section: Yellow
Price: 5 Euros ( for CD version )

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CD ( 5 euros ) + Shipping

4 luglio 2013
Castiglione d’Adda

Quando decisi di andare a trovare Billy Torello nella sua casa sull’Adda venni a conoscenza della sua terribile malattia.
A causa di un violento ruzzolone su alcuni gradini infami dell’inverno 2011 egli svenne e si svegliò dopo alcuni giorni.
I medici non riscontrarono niente di particolarmente preoccupante ma dopo alcuni mesi Billy incominciò a dimenticare.
Fu l’amico J.F. Aloysius che decise di portarlo da un mago arruffato che viveva sull’altra sponda del fiume.
Egli diagnosticò una strana malattia con un nome impronunciabile.
La “maledetta” avrebbe privato Billy di 7 ricordi al giorno.
Invano si cercò una soluzione allo strano caso del malcapitato e furono inutili medicine, psicoanalisi o esorcismi.

Era un giorno di primavera e mi accolse con la stessa gentilezza e distacco con la quale si accolgono i venditori di Cristo.
Mi offrì del caffè e gli chiesi della sua musica.
Mi rispose che stava lavorando ad un nuovo disco, il suo ultimo.
Poi la conversazione si fece albero e diventammo amici.
Ormai amanti egli mi confidò: “Domani potresti già essere “niente” nella mia testa! Non vi è nessuna selezione logica, la “maledetta” è viva e agisce come gli pare!”
Io sorrisi.
Poi continuò: “Ecco perché ho deciso di imprigionare alcune pagine della mia vita nel mio prossimo disco, perché quando io stesso sarò “niente” avrò forse questa piccola fune con la quale risalire e se non dovessi farcela di me sarà rimasto qualcosa.”
Io sorrisi e pensai alla cimice capovolta.

Poi spiegò:
“L’uomo costruisce, lavora, produce (Sulla Costruzione del Ponte sull’Adda);
ama e si meraviglia (Notturno);
è legato ai suoi ricordi e a quel suo respiro istintivo che giorno per giorno si trascina inevitabilmente all’ultimo (Quanto può Mancare una Catena);
e costruisce il suo futuro su un passato che scalpita vivo nel profondo (Il Passato ha gli Zoccoli);
il suo cammino è una corsa morbida a mente vuota (La Natura del Ciclismo);
e prima che se ne accorga il bambino che era, è già vecchio (Il Figlio Calvo);
riscoprirà la sua anima saltuariamente, davanti ad uno specchio, nei frangenti più inutili della sua vita (Io non uso la schiuma);
ma io presto avrò la possibilità di vivere un eterno presente, senza passato ne futuro. E vivrò su quello strato invisibile sul quale ogni cosa, anche la più piccola, ha il peso dell’anima (Le pulci pesano sul cuore come elefanti).”

Ci salutammo ed era già tramonto.
Mentre scarpinavo verso la mia automobile mi voltai verso il fiume.
Non era il Mississipi, ma infondo era la stessa cosa.

Sam Soya

Released together with: Fumaio Records , Il Verso Del Cinghiale Records and Billy Torello himself.

Registrato da Luigi Zanoni
Masterizzato da Riccardo Rico Gamondi
Stefania Fasoli canta in "Il Passato ha gli Zoccoli"
Percussioni di Luigi Zanoni

Our albums are under Creative Commons License.

Tanz | "Terracarne" SR093

Type: CD / mp3
Location: Italy
Date: 2013
Duration: 00:28:00
Tracks: 6
Genre: death merengue , post rock , electric samba
Section: Ochre
Price: 5 euros ( for CD version )

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CD ( 5 euros ) + Shipping

First album by Italian death merengue post rock band, Tanz, co-produced with Manza Nera Label, Gatti Rossi Che Cadono and Have You Said Midi.

Preti Pedofili | "L'Age d'Or" SR091

Type: CD & free download ( WAV )
Location: Italy
Date: 2013
Duration: 00:45:00
Track: 10
Genre: post rock, Vatican city galore
Section: gold
Price: 5 euros for CD

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CD ( 5 euros ) + Shipping


"L'Age d'0r", il primo full lenght dei Preti Pedofili, per Toten Schwan Records, Sinusite Records, Spettro Records, Mai una gioia Records. Dieci tracce che si ispirano liberamente al concept del film di Bunuel e Dalì, scovando storie di degrado urbano e di magra solitudine nella società del Male, l'Occidente. Un'ispezione storica e sociale dentro i meandri più cupi dell'animo umano, con il tentativo non di giustificare, né di comprendere, bensì di identificarsi con l'humus che costringe da sempre a organizzarsi in odiose gerarchie volte al sopruso e alla sopraffazione del più debole. La leggenda di un'età dell'oro, agli albori della civiltà, diventa quindi l'eterna chimera e l'eterna dannazione dell'uomo, il quale proietta in un passato remoto ciò che non ha il coraggio né la volontà di realizzare oggi. L'ennesimo mitologico solco tracciato nella Storia, per simboleggiare una presunta superiorità. E per giustificare nuove ingiustizie e nuove atrocità.

Painful Silence | "Shards" SR088

Type: CDr / mp3
Location: Italy/London
Date: 2013
Duration: 00:30:00
Track: 5
Genre: dark ambient, experimental, landscapes of decay
Section: green
Price: 4 euros ( for CDr version )

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CD ( 4 euros ) + Shipping

"Shards" arose from fragments, shards, and other previous recordings, mixed through loops, reverb, and massive distortions. The final results is a long drone, carved and scarred by small variations.

DJ Balli + SLP & Elia Dalla Casa + Dj Balli & Ralph Brown | "Live @ NUB" ( SR076 )

Type: CDr
Location: NUB
Date: 17/10/2012
Duration: 00:26:00
Track: 3
Genre: Turntableism / Harsh Noise / Extratone
Section: Glad To Be Still Alive - Rainbow
Price: 3 euro ( for CDr )

CD ( 3 euros ) + Shipping

17/10/2012. Montale, NUB Project Space. PAIN

Our albums are under Creative Commons License

Maria Jikuuuuuuuuu | “Level 7” SR066

Type: CD
Location: Japan
Date: 2012
Duration: ? : 56:30 :?
Track: 3
Genre: Hallucinogenic Meditation
Section: Violet
Price : 8 euro ( for CD version )

CD ( 8 euros ) + Shipping

No Nukes is Good Nukes.
We do not forget about 11th March 2011.
I know the Japanese government is really foolish.
However, there are a lot of people among the public who are acting for "Beyond Nuke".
We would like you to know that we are trying our best even in fear and despair.
We cannot avoid radioactivity.
Because the truth is that all around us,
including the food we eat and the air we breathe,
are contaminated by nuke waste.
Any exposure would pose a health risk,
no matter how small.
There's nothing "safe".
I've been a big proponent of alternative energy.
I hope that we should change it right now.
The peaceful use of alternative energy.
Stop nuclear power plant!
I wish for a peaceful world without nuclear threats...
Fight for real PEACE.

Our albums are under Creative Commons License

Billy Torello | “Ultime Notizie dalla Tartaruga - Chitarra vol.2” SR063

Type: CD / mp3
Location: Italy
Date: 12/04/2012
Duration: 22’08’
Track: 6
Genre: via Emilia's Blues, fingerpicking, americana
Section: Yellow
Price: 8 euro ( for CD version )

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CD ( 8 euros ) + Shipping

Le “Ultime Notizie dalla Tartaruga” si propone con velleità come orecchio metafisico, percepente e catalogatore di quel genere chitarristico nato in America a cavallo dei sixties. Parafrasando il capolavoro faheyano “The Voice of the Turtle”, nel quale il silenzio della natura si propone come archetipo e respiro primigenio di un’intera nazione, l’ultimo lavoro del Torello si offre come ponte culturale dall’America mitopietica all’Italia che ne sogna i bruscoli, dalla U.S. route alla Via Emilia, dalle praterie nordamericane alla pianura lodigiana.
Ne nascono così ritagli musicali grotteschi e paradigmatici di una cultura popolare sognante sospesa fra imitazione ed autodefinizione.
“Mai senza i Guanti” è quindi un invito al “sesso sicuro”, “Quando il Fagione è in Fiore” la narrazione musicale di un genocidio di caccia, “Tobia” evoca una fiaba biblica, “Baldo’s Blues” è un bracciante il cui mondo si consuma in pochi ettari, “Maddalena è un Pungitopo” è una giovane puttanella di contrada, “America vs Ivan Drago” rappresenta il sogno americano marchiato al cinematografo e percepito come esempio.
I personaggi delineati nelle “Ultime notizie dalla tartaruga” vivono così della luce fasulla di quelle stelle ormai spente a miliardi di chilometri da noi.

Our albums are under Creative Commons License.

Salomè Lego Playset | “So Much Was Lost In The Process Of Becoming” SR034

Type: CD / mp3
Location: Italy
Date: 11/11/2011
Duration: 53’08’
Track: 7
Genre: what was lost in the ageing of the self
Section: indigo
Price: 8 euro ( for CD version )

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CD ( 8 euros ) + Shipping

In un destino predeterminato, così tanto si perde nell'inevitabile processo del divenire. Un divenire d'ascesa o di discesa, di caduta o risalita, ma pur sempre un divenire che nella propria processualità prevede il sacrificio di tutto ciò che è prima, di tutto ciò che si è stato e che si sarà (Heimarmene). L'animale nasce morente, gli viene conferito un destino, che però non tocca mai (L'Animale Morente), l'essere giace sospeso come un palloncino di carta, fragile al vento, destinato a disfarsi (Humanity and Paper Balloons), l'esistenza come una fontana (The fountain) non fa che scorrere, entro un sistema però ben circoscritto, dal quale non si esce mai, e che ci abbevera e ci illude. Il gorgo (The gorge) di quel liquido che scorre, solo per sprofondare, la dolce mattanza di tutto ciò che amiamo (Dolce mattatoio), l'attesa infinita che qualcosa possa cambiare, rinchiuse in fortezze dell'essere in un deserto inutile ed infinito (Il deserto e le fortezze).

In a fate which has long been chosen, so much gets lost in the inevitable process of becoming. A becoming through ascension and descent, through falling and rising, but nonetheless a becoming which in its own processuality foresees the sacrifice of everything which is before, of everything that had been and of everything that will ever be ( Heimarmene ). The animal is born to die, a fate is given upon him, which he will never be aware of ( L'Animale Morente ), the self lies suspended like a paper balloon in thin air, fragile in the wind, doomed to decay ( Humanity And Paper Balloons ). Existence as a fountain ( The Fountain ), which does nothing but erupt and flow, within a short circuit from which it will never escape, but which feeds us and extinguishes our thirsts, showing us illusions of grace. The Gorge of a liquid that flows endless, only to sink deeper and deeper in its spires, the sweet slaughtering of everything we love ( Dolce Mattatoio ), the endless wake for something to change, enclosed in fortresses of an useless and infinite desert ( Il Deserto e Le Fortezze ).

Our albums are under Creative Commons License.

Susanna Laterza & Salomè Lego Playset |“Music for the Films of Giancarlo Morieri ( Vol.1 )” SR033

Type: cd & mp3 - wav
Location: Italy
Date: 2008
Duration: 00:54:00
Track: 22
Genre: soundtrack music for a friend
Section: green
Price: 3 euro (for CDr version)

CD ( 3 euros ) + Shipping

In 2007 Giancarlo Morieri, AKA Lego/Your Dog, moved to Argentina in order to study cinema. After about 2 years he was done with Buenos Aires, but nonetheless he found the opportunity to shoot a short film named IEIA, which still remains only partially edited. Giancarlo asked SLP and Susanna Laterza to take care of its music, giving them specific instructions about the distinct sounds he needed for each scene, but from a 10 minute short film the have created an hour or so of music, grateful for the first opportunity to collaborate together. This album has maybe been the ground of STUFA, done by SLP and Susanna, and with Lego/Your Dog, plus the usual special appearances of Derek Dick Decio and his Lyrical Holocaust, and Grattata from San Giovanni.
We hope that Giancarlo will finally release the film, and in the hope that IEIA will be just the first of his works, we entitled it "Music for the Films of Giancarlo Morieri: Volume 1" ( any relation to John Zorn's series being just casual).

Our albums are under Creative Commons License

Salomè Lego Playset & Susanna Laterza | "Live @ Lhub” SR019

Type: CDr / mp3
Location: Italy
Date: July 2008
Duration: 00:26:40
Track: 1
Genre: free noise, drone improvisation
Section: yellow
Price: 3 euro (for CDr version) & free download

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CD ( 3 euros ) + Shipping

"Salomè Lego Playset - Susanna Laterza : Live @ Lhub"
In 2008 Salomè Lego Playset fully reformed after Nicola's 1 year abscence. Actually, Salomè never stopped playing, since Derek Dick Decio, Lando and Elia were most active during that year. Anyway, just a few days later his comeback, Salomè and Susanna Laterza joined in a long improvisation which took place at Lhubrificio, a small venue in Bologna whose life spanned just a summer.

Our albums are under Creative Commons License

Stufa | "Ming I” SR004

Type: CDr
Location: Italy
Date: march 2010
Duration: 00:56:06
Track: 64
Genre: noise, punk, rock, metal, grotesque, dance, spoken
Section: yellow
Price: 4 euro (for handmade CDr version)

"MING I - The darkening of light"
Stufa started over from scratch with this exagram of the I Ching.
The nonsense chaos of the primordial Stufa is now known and and put on a consequential level compared to the first incomprehensible one.
The casual gesture becomes a divining means. Improvisation an oracle which talks about itself. The tracks are united by the composition technique which ranges from instant improvising to mega compressed composition (with time limits of a few hours from the initial idea to the final product).
The disc includes 64 tracks, one for each exagram (evidently arranged in a casual order) presenting various extremes regarding musical genre and taste. The recording technique is in the Laterziana philosophy, that is, rendered very swift and intuitive (at the expense of quality) to gain in the spontaneity of composition and arrangements.
The sound images impressed in these 64 miniatures reach, as already mentioned, many genres (noise/punk/rock/metal/grotesque/dance/spoken song/ambient/soundtrack/funk/experimental etc.) and involve a wide ring of musicians of the SLP circle.

Our albums are under Creative Commons License

Salomè Lego Playset + Susanna Laterza + Kenji Siratori | “Sabaku no Genkai” SR003

Type: CDr / mp3
Location: Italy / Japan
Date: 2009
Duration: 00:58:02
Track: 12 ( + BONUS TRACK by SLP/Kenji Siratori )
Genre: drone/noise
Section: black

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Sabaku no Genkai: the desert boundaries. Beyond which there is nothing to expect, if not the spectre of a future coming, oblivious of its persistent waiting. The desert as a washing of sounds, an empty, light yet suffocating magma, the work of a wind that brings the echoes of future conflicts, the Tartar ones against an immense void. Delivered by Salomè Lego Playset and Susanna Laterza, it uses the claustrophobic poetry of Kenji Siratori as if from the human genome nothing but the origin of an empty and fundamentally useless first-born could originate. Useless as the efforts of the many who tried to give their life in order to return to the mother in the purple blood of the iron and of the eternal comeback.

Our albums are under Creative Commons License

Derek Dick Decio | “Cubo di Bamba” SR002

Type: mp3
Location: Italy
Date: 2010
Duration: 00:51:02
Track: 12
Genre: hip-pop
Section: red

Guy Debord appears in the introduction of the disc with a few commentaries for a movie. The interpretation of Derek's cd is the uncapability of self-achievement, collective and universal.
The language of the disc; crude, horrific, violent, at times stupid but never banal casts us in the world of D.D.D. consisting in suffering, joy, illusions, dreams. A world which speaks about the transience of being, of life itself of drugs as the only way out of a standardized society.
The only way out of this pile of shit.
Derek Dick Decio is an integral part of his disc.
Accompanied by Mister Drey's patterns (Laptop/Drum machine), in featuring with Nicola Boari (Salomè Lp and SLP) Derek distorts the traditional rules of Italian hip hop, which has by now become just commercial music for teen guzzlers. By emptying out its "gangsta" content Derek intends not to stay above its beat (bit) but downright to enter in it.
Metrics which are almost spoken assume a "ferrettiano" tone, giving ample space to the contents, catapulting the listener in a claustrophobic and oppressive atmosphere
made of dirty, artificial, repetitive sounds up to the most classic hip hop.
Voice and metrics inspired by one of the forerunners of the old Italian school "Kaos One", In his style, cut and mostly in the content of rap, Derek moves away from Kaos.
The project begins in 2009; the interpreters, that is, Mister Drey (ex Salomè) and Derek have very similar musical views even if they are users of rather different genres.

All the bases are Mr. Drey's except for "Ratto: il giorno della vergogna" and "Minestra Freddata" which are played by Susanna Laterza; the arrangements of "L' ora del candore" are by Susanna Laterza; Slp wrote the lyrics to "La Caduta degli Dei" and "Bright Future"; and plays the guitars in "La Caduta degli Dei" besides singing in "Sacro Graal" and "Il Giorno dell' Infausto" and Tona sings the refrain to "Il Giorno del Candore".
Mr. Drey thanks, in chronological order: Slp for welcoming me back, Alberto for making me want to play again, Derek Dick Decio for immediately having faith in my comeback and Sacco for teaching me the little I acknowledged.
D.D.D. thanks: P.J Edo for the patience and collaboration, SLP for the wellingtonian support, Alberto for the virtual hailstorms, Giulia for undergoing all the pre-listenings of the pieces, and everyone who despises me and believes in being able to beat me on a fucking printed piece of paper.

Our albums are under Creative Commons License

Salomè Lego Playset | “Contre La Vie, Contre La Morte” SR001

Type: CDr / mp3
Location: Italy
Date: march 2007
Duration: 00:44:08
Track: 7
Genre: folk, ambient, experimental
Section: indigo

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"Contre la Vie, Contre la Morte" is born on the readings of Céline, Junger and Houellebecq but especially from painful life experiences. What can be understood is that life, at least ours, can only try to survive in the continuous extension of the domain of the struggle. A fight for internal survival which is only secondarily human. There is no collective sense that can keep us fellows in the absence of love for life itself, which becomes unaccounted for in the daily imposition of existing, existing without a cause nor a desire if not to extinguish ourselves together with our dearest ones.

"Contre la Vie, Contre la Morte" nasce dalle letture di Céline, Junger e Houellebecq, ma soprattutto da esperienze di vita dolorose. Tutto ciò che si può comprendere, è che le, almeno nostre, esistenze non possono che cercare di sopravvivere nella continua estensione della lotta. Una lotta per la sopravvivenza interiore, e solo secondariamente umana. Non c'è senso collettivo che possa tenerci sodali, in assenza dell'amore per la vita stessa, che viene a mancare nella sopraffazione quotidiana che è esistere, esistere senza alcuno scopo né desiderio, se non di estinguersi insieme a coloro che ci sono più cari.

Our albums are under Creative Commons License